Website Design
You never get a second chance to make a first impression!
Your website is the face of your business. In the past people’s business cards were key to making a first impression for a brand. Now, your website is the key to exposing your brand to consumers. Most of the time it’s your first impression to a new potential customer.
The importance of website design is not only about look and feel. While it is critically important to show potential customers your personality and your company’s brand and presence, ease of navigation with relevant, easy to find information is just as important.
Even if you had hundreds or 1000s of visitors to your website every day, if you have a poorly designed website that makes it difficult for people to find the information they’re looking for, or contact you because they’re ready to schedule an appointment or purchase your product then all those visitors are great, but very few will likely turn into paying customers.
If your website is too slow to load in today’s attention deficit society, most people will quickly hit the back button and move on to the next site in line.
If you’re providing a service to a consumer that is either highly technical, or very impactful to their livelihood, or life in general, such as lawyers, doctors, dentists, and chiropractors it’s critically important to have valuable information on your website that will help solve questions they may have. If you don’t do that, they will find the next service provider that can give them that information. Then you will be an afterthought in their mind and when they’re ready to purchase or become a client, they will remember that company and the website that gave them the information they were looking for when they needed it the most.
Calls of action! Don’t forget the calls of action!
than actually pick up the phone and talk to some one live. Also, due to many people’s busy schedules, it’s quick and easy to text. They’re able to put their phone down, get back to what else they’re trying to do (multi-taskers unite!) then they can get back to their phone and see the answer when they have a minute.
There are those that still prefer to call, and others that prefer to send an email. And furthermore, there are others who just like to fill out a quick form, and provide a little bit more information for the business to solve their question and coordinate a time to have a meeting with that business about the solution.
These are all important things to think about.
Mobile Website Design
We know what you’re thinking…“@%!%^&*, I need one of those too!?!?”
When designing a website, mobile website design is actually now even more important than designing for the look and feel of a traditional computer or a laptop. As many as 72% of online consumers are searching from their phone before ever searching on a laptop/tablet or desktop computer. This makes it extremely critical to ensure that your website has been designed for a mobile environment, and is mobile friendly to consumers. Mobile-friendly sites offer clear communication and generally are slimmed down than a site that you may see on the desktop. This is due to site speed loading times, which is important to consider when designing for a mobile device, as they typically do not have download speeds as quick as a home computer that’s on a high-speed internet connection.
Mobile-friendly sites, and mobile-designed sites, generally have less imagery and are quicker to get to the point of the topic at hand, and functionally allow click-to-call and click-to-text.
There is a difference between a “mobile-responsive” site and a “mobile-designed” site. Mobile responsive sites are just your desktop site reconfigured based on screen size breakpoints. Many websites built in the last three to four years are mobile responsive. That doesn’t mean that they were designed for mobile though. In the case of a mobile-designed website, the designer basically designs three websites in one. One for the desktop/laptop, one for a tablet, and one for a mobile phone. While they all will keep a similar look and feel, they have completely different functionality to maximize user experience.
Ready to talk re-design or building a site completely from scratch? (They’re really the same thing). Book a strategy call with us!